Thursday, May 12, 2011

James 4:14 that says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

I’m sure as the years unfold I will have many opportunities to teach my children about choices. But for now, I’ll take a lesson from myself.

Choices seem like a word you teach toddlers. “Nevaeh you have a choice, you can have oatmeal or cereal and those are your choices for today’s breakfast.” “Nevaeh you have a choice, you can obey Mommy and share your toys or we can go home and you can play alone.” I can just hear it nowJ But these aren’t the kind of choices I’m thinking of this morning. This morning I’m thinking of eternal choices. That is, choices that have an eternal value.

Through my experience as a women and being in many Bible studies with women young and old I have learned one thing; many struggle with time and choosing what to do with it. I ‘ve been in this boat many a times, but God continues to show me how faithful He is when I am faithful with putting Him first with my time.

Life is busy. Throw in a job, a family, soccer practice, dance lessons and a social life. You’re booked! But I’m reminded of James 4:14 that says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” If life truly is a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes then possibly it’s time to re-prioritizing.

The choices we make now do indeed matter. Opening up your Bible each and every morning to feast on the words of God matter. Getting on our knees to beg God for justice, wisdom, and strength to live in this world matters. When we close our Bibles for weeks on end, and tell God that we will be with Him shortly, right after we are done with our list of things we need to get done, we drift. And when we drift we start stuffing the place where only He fits with other stuff that falls short and leaves us unsatisfied. And then we wonder how and why we are in the place we are in. Choices, they are incredibly powerful.

May God grant you and I the grace we need to turn from our busy lives and toward Him. May He give us the strength and courage to say to LIFE “we will be with you shortly, right after we spend time with the GOD of the universe” and may He give us the conviction not to reverse that order.

Blessings and love,

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