Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teeth are in!

Nevs has two teeth!! They came in about a week before she turned 5 months. They are the cutest little things. She folds her bottom lip over the teeth and her top lip over the bottom and makes a chewing motion. It is the funniest thing ever because she looks like a toothless old man! I have been introducing solid food to her one flavor at a time. She loves sweet potatoes, but is not a huge fan of cantaloupe, bananas or broccoli. She actually gags with broccoli, it's quite funny because her Daddy is a huge gagger. Other news in the life of Nevs: she sits like a pro! She balances herself very well and can sit up forever now! She is dying to start crawling, and is probably not too far from it.

She melts my heart everyday with her little face. She is talking all the time, and that is my absolute favorite! She especially likes to coo if she has something in her mouth to chew on. Oh it's just precious.

She's a bundle!

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