Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Momma drops baby:/

Well it happened. Today it happened. The first fall of my sweet baby girls life. It was awful. Okay in retrospect it wasn't awful, it was bad. Peter, Lisa and I had just finished playing tennis. Peter was talking to the other pro at the club and I was getting Nevaeh ready to get in the car. I didn't buckle her into her car seat because I was waiting until she was in the car. Stupid I know. As I detached the car seat from the stroller I tilted it over to far and well.....out tumbled my little Nevs. Oh my, my heart sunk faster than you can blink. I grabber her from the ground and held her close. She cried, but no longer or louder than usual. I was crying...longer and louder than usual. No I'm only kidding. Daddy rushed over and when he saw that she was okay I could sense his sigh of relief. Later I told him I was glad I dropped (omg) her and not him because I would have probably yelled at him. Not because that is wise, but because when I fear for my daughters safety, perspective quickly leaves and panic sets in. Let's just say I'm working on it. He is an excellent father and well it turns out....I need to take a few tips from him:) The first: don't dump your baby out of her car seat onto the cement. We survived. And on my sweet family's behalf: with grace:)

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