Monday, April 18, 2011

She's a 'Rollin!

Nevaeh started rolling over last week! She started arching her back a few weeks ago by pushing her feet into the ground, but she never did anything more than that. She would arch and then fall back down to the bed, arch and fall down to the bed. But then....last Friday evening, she arched and twisted all the way over! Her little arm was stuck but Peter and I just left her there for a second and she quickly pulled it out from underneath her! It's amazing to watch this little bundle develop and learn new things. About two weeks ago she really started cooing. Peter and I just about was the cutest thing ever. But then she stopped. Literally didn't hear that precious little voice for almost 2 weeks! We waited patiently, knowing that growing is on her timeline not ours! And then, this past week she has begun talking again!!! Not real words obviously but lots and lots of baby coos. In fact now, she talks my ear off! I absolutely love it. I can sit there and watch her coo all day long and feel 100% satisfied with my day! I will try to post a video of her cooing. My phone is not the best at transferring videos. Peter and I think she will be crawling in no time! And will change once again! In the best possible way!

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