Tuesday, September 11, 2012

TGFR "Thank God for ramps" and old and new life!

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Life. How fast it goes. I stare at the littlest, sweetest baby face many hours of my day. This new life brings a sense of hope. Hope for a beautiful life ahead. Where, if God wills, the days behind her are few and the days ahead are many. But when I leave my house I'm always made aware of the elderly who rely canes, walkers and if lucky, a loved one's arm to assist them in the simple thing of walking. You see to me walking is simple, but not to the person who has undergone hip replacement surgery numbers of times or the person who has fallen from a 30 foot climbing wall and now lives in a wheel chair. So i don't take this for granted. Walking is a gift.

Today I started a Bible study. It was at a church that I don't actually attend so I don't walk this campus much. I've been there a time or two but am unfamiliar with it for the most part. I arrived and as always had to assemble a game plan of how to get my little family of three from my car into the building that was 100 yards away and separated by a large parking lot full of elderly drivers :/

Aha! My infant was sleeping so she would ride in the stroller while my toddler would hold my hand through the parking lot into the the building and to her classroom. It worked just as planned and we made it through the parking lot to the .....stairs! Stairs separated us from the building. I quickly realized that I had just walked past a dozen plus handicapped parking spaces, thus realizing that there had to be another option besides these stairs. (sidenote- can two kids be considered a handicap? I think I'll look into that) So I look around and quickly spot a ramp. It's not until I'm finished with class going back down the ramp that I had the following thoughts. 

Ok fast forward a few hours. All the women are leaving the building, some talking about where to go to lunch, some just on a mission to get to their cars asap, some lingering and chatting with friends. After I grab the girls from the nursery I make my way back to the ramp. And there it happens. My eyes fill with tears. Tears happen to be my reaction to a lot of things. It wasn't really sad what I saw it was just "life" and sometimes "life" just totally moves me and my reaction is tears. And sometimes laughter with tears. The stairs led straight to the parking lot. The ramp took a little longer as it wrapped around a large section of grass. About 20 feet ahead of me a lady was using the ramp because she clearly couldn't have used the stairs. She limped as she hung on to a walker that gave her the support she needed to walk. She walked slowly, cautiously even. It did not look easy. I had a horrible vision on my toddler innocently running down the fun ramp and knocking her over so I held my little Nevs back until the other lady made it to the bottom. Then I thought of myself and why I was using the ramp. I had new little life that was chilling out in a four wheel stroller and I was no fool thinking of taking the stairs with a stroller. (i've seen it done before) so that's why I was on the ramp. The ramp can be used for all types of things but today what I saw was the ramp being used for old and new life. Both so incredibly precious. 

It made me want to shout! "Thank you Lord! You are beyond awesome and I'm lucky to know you!"And it made me tear up and then laugh.

Psalm 47:1-2 Clap your hands, all you people! Shout to God with songs of joy! For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth."

The ramp that brought me great joy today!

Ramp running!
Ramp usage required!

Whatever life has you using these days, the ramp or the stairs, I hope you find God's hand in it. 


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